June 2020

  • Peanuts: Lesser Cornstalk Borers (LCB) are starting to show up. You have 4 options for LCB, 1) Prevathon, 2) Diamond, 3) Chlorpyrifos (Do not use in dryland situation), and 4) Move to the beach. Prevathon and Diamond will give you about a 2 week residual. Diamond has been known to work “slower” but still effective…

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  • Pecan Aphids

    Aphids are building in pecan orchards across the Southeast. 

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  • Cotton: I would start monitoring all squaring fields for tarnished plant bugs. The few fields that have had higher populations have been older cotton. The past trend is that earlier cotton is more susceptible to plant bugs. Pull the trigger if you are at or below 80% retention rate on your first position squares. We…

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  • La Nina may be forming

    The Pacific Ocean is cooling which could mean a transition to a La Nina. Predictions are right now are between 40-50% for a La Nina to develop. How does this affect me? La Ninas enhance the Atlantic hurricane season and forecast a warmer, drier winter especially here in the South.

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  • It has been an odd week. First, we lose Dicamba, then we get a 24c label for Liberty, the weather is funky, Mexico is phasing out Glyphosate, and hurricane season is underway with expected above-normal activity. Cotton: Whiteflies have been spotted in cotton. They are not at threshold levels yet but we all know how…

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  • Liberty 24(c) Label

    As a result of great teamwork with the Georgia Department of Agriculture and BASF, Georgia cotton farmers have a new Liberty label allowing shortened intervals between sequential Liberty applications which can improve weed control.

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  • Dicamba Update

    On June 8, 2020, the U.S. EPA released critical information on Engenia, Fexapan, and XtendiMax. The entire release can be found at https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-offers-clarity-farmers-light-recent-court-vacatur-dicamba-registrations Please visit the website for details; however, below are the details of the order: “Details of the Order EPA’s order addresses the sale, distribution, and use of existing stocks of the three…

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  • Peanuts: Still battling vigor issues in replants. The cloudy weather isn’t helping much either. Dr. Harris says gypsum may be in short supply this year. There is a potential disruption in the supply chain from coal plants transitioning to natural gas and COVID-19. If gypsum is short we have a few options. Calcium through the…

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  • Be on the lookout for Southern Corn Rust

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