Peanuts: Lesser Cornstalk Borers (LCB) are starting to show up. You have 4 options for LCB, 1) Prevathon, 2) Diamond, 3) Chlorpyrifos (Do not use in dryland situation), and 4) Move to the beach. Prevathon and Diamond will give you about a 2 week residual. Diamond has been known to work “slower” but still effective as Prevathon.

Lesser Cornstalk Borer
Lesser Cornstalk Borer
Lesser damage. They bore into the peanut stems. This one fell off while I was moving it around for a picture.

Soil Mapping: UGA is considering offering soil test mapping as an additional service in support of the traditional soil testing program. However, before initiating this program UGA is seeking feedback from its many stakeholders on the level of interest in and the possible impacts of this program. Please take a second to fill out this survey if you are interested in UGA Soil Mapping.

Cotton: Aphids have been building over the past few weeks. The killing fungus that we like to see move in and take them out is not going heavy yet. If aphids are in young cotton we don’t typically treat, but if the aphids are dragging cotton down and are on some of this younger cotton/replant cotton we have out there let’s treat.

Georgia Crop Report

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