May 2020
Cotton: Grasshoppers and false chinch bugs have been seen in a few places. Grasshoppers can chew through the stem if bad enough. Only treat if the stand is being effected. The immatures are easiest to kill and can be taken out with some Acephate. False chinch bugs can feed on the plant and high populations…
Peanuts: It rained this week so I’m sure some Valor injury is going to start showing up. Dr. Prostko has years worth of research that shows peanuts that suffer injury from Valor at 3oz /A will very likely recover with no effects on final yield. Some are ready for cracking sprays. Remember you have about…
I have held off on my cattle updates lately because the market has been so volatile. It still is extremely volatile but I think we have a better understanding of where we’re at now. Beef Shortage: There is no beef shortage. There is a supply problem. Supply chains have been disrupted and were having a…
Peanuts: Several have had stand problems. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer. It’s the old diplomatic answer of, it depends. We all hate that answer but it fits because each field has been different. Here is some of what we’ve been seeing. The cooler weather has slowed germination Germination was poor to begin with Combination…
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The office had a soft reopening this week. We will still be primarily teleworking but we are now able to access the office more than we were. Hopefully, soon the office will be fully opened back up to the public. Peanuts: More and more peanuts have been planted. I know this weekend it is supposed…
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Here are some tips for the cold front moving through this weekend. If you are dryland and you are afraid of losing needed moisture then I would go ahead and plant If you are irrigated, you could hold off until the cold front moves out. If you have questionable seed quality, I would wait to…
Dr. Liu, our UGA Cotton Economist and Dr. John Robinson, Texas A&M, gives a good outlook into marketing and risk management programs for cotton producers. The link below is a youtube video. It’s about 40 minutes long but very interesting if you’re into economics and global trade. Marketing and Risk Management Programs for US Cotton…
For those of you who utilize the H2A program, UGA has developed several Spanish resources to share with your H2A workers. Resources can be found UGA Emergency Resources A Spanish video from Dr. Diez is a great resource for H2A workers where he and his wife explain what COVID-19 is and how to protect themselves…
Posted in: Vegetables -
Corn: Its the time of year for little greyish tan spots to start showing up in corn. 99% of the time this is the result of some paraquat drift. There is no need to worry but if you would like one of us to come and check it out, just let us know. Peanuts: Be…