Peanuts: In dryland situations scout heavily for Lesser Cornstalk Borers. They love hot and dry and it has been hot and dry. Pay attention for spider mites as well. While I haven’t seen much of it yet, conditions are perfect for leaf spot and white-mold. Stay on a good program. You don’t want to play catch up.
Cotton: Whiteflies are blowing up. I am seeing more and more fields at the threshold. Remember 5 nymphs on more than 50% of sampled leaves are considered the threshold. Keep in mind that if you have heavy adult pressure that could determine which product you use. Products like Knack and Courier work best on nymphs while products like Assail, Sivanto, PQZ, and Venom work on all stages. Its been hot and dry so watch for spider mites as well.

Sorghum: No reports of sugarcane aphids yet.
Cattle: This is a rough time of year for cattle. Be sure to keep the water tanks full and please use some form of fly control. Feed conversion is already terrible during these next few months so don’t make it worse with face and horn flies.