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With the pecan prices down from their highs a few years ago, growers need to be looking for ways to cut production costs to increase profitability of their operations. Here is an article by Lenny Wells discussing a highly scab resistance pecan cultivar named Lakota. The top concern on growers’ minds right now is reducing…
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Its time to burn down those herbicide strips in pecan orchards in preparation for the growing season. There are many combinations of herbicide applications you could use. Here are a few for trees of different ages. Information provided by Lenny Wells. Trees 1-2 Yrs: At budbreak: Glufosinate + Prowl May/June: Glufosinate or Glyphosate or Paraquat…
Here is a great guide on choosing a pecan pollinator. Lenny Wells, UGA Pecan Specialist, wrote this article recently: A couple of years ago I posted a short discussion of why pecans need a pollinator, which I suggest reading if you doubt the need of pollinators. I get many questions about the best pollinator to…
Posted in: Pecans -
Lenny Wells, our UGA Pecan Specialist, has a great article on pruning trees. Here it is below: We’re headed into my least favorite time of year. When I was younger I enjoyed cold weather a lot more than I do now. The crop is about done, deer season is over, football is almost over, I’m…
Posted in: Pecans