Here is a great guide on choosing a pecan pollinator. Lenny Wells, UGA Pecan Specialist, wrote this article recently:
A couple of years ago I posted a short discussion of why pecans need a pollinator, which I suggest reading if you doubt the need of pollinators. I get many questions about the best pollinator to choose for our commonly planted varieties. I usually point people to the pollination chart created by our pecan breeder, Dr. Patrick Conner.
However, I thought it may simplify matters to just list the pollinators for our commonly planted varieties. The main variety is in bold font. All the varieties listed beneath it in regular font should pollinate it with the best pollinators for each variety listed in italics.
- Pawnee
–Lakota, Sumner, Zinner, Desirable, Elliott, Ellis
- Creek
–Cape Fear, Caddo, Desirable, Oconee, Pawnee
- Cape Fear
–Caddo, Cherryle, Creek, Desirable, Elliott, Kanza, Kiowa, Lakota, Oconee, Pawnee, Sumner, Zinner, Avalon, Ellis
- Caddo
–Cape Fear, Creek, Cherryle, Desirable, Elliott, Kanza, Kiowa, Lakota, Oconee, Pawnee, Zinner, Avalon, Ellis
- Desirable
– Cherryle, Elliott, Excel, Kanza, Kiowa, Lakota,McMillan, Sumner, Zinner, Avalon, Ellis
- Oconee
–Caddo, Cape Fear, Creek, Cherryle, Desirable, Elliott, Pawnee, Avalon
- Sumner
–Cape Fear, Cherryle, Creek, Desirable, Oconee, Pawnee
- Zinner
–Caddo, Cape Fear, Cherryle, Creek, Desirable, Oconee, Pawnee
- Ellis
–Caddo, Cape Fear, Cherryle, Creek, Desirable, Oconee, Pawnee
- Lakota
–Caddo, Cape Fear, Creek, Desirable, Oconee, Pawnee
- Avalon
–Caddo, Cape Fear, Cherryle, Creek, Desirable, Oconee,Pawnee
- McMillan
–Amling, Caddo, Cape Fear, Creek, Cherryle, Desirable, Oconee, Pawnee
- Excel
–Amling, Caddo, Cape Fear, Cherryle, Desirable, Elliot, Kanza, Kiowa, Lakota, McMillan, Oconee, Pawnee, Stuart, Sumner, Zinner
Also, here is a pecan pollination chart: