Recent Posts
Registrations are streaming in for Grow Strong! 2017! We are very much looking forward to the approaching event date and all the event has to offer to Master Gardeners around the state. As we endeavor to present you with the latest research pertaining to the state initiatives that outline the structure of the GA MGEV…
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Extension recruits MGEVs to increase outreach to Georgia communities. MGEVs have a passion for plants and people that inspires and energizes Extension programming. MGEVs also have many connections to the community that, when multiplied by the number of MGEVs, greatly expand Extension’s spheres of influence. To complete your training, you are asked to volunteer 50…
Posted in: Volunteering -
The Grow Strong! 2017 event is getting closer and closer! The spring season is approaching quickly as well! As a GA MGEV, it is important that you are able to provide the public with sound advice and recommendations for preparing and maintaining their landscapes. Whether you are working a help desk, Master Gardener booth, or…
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MGEVs respond to public demand for knowledge of how to grow fruits and vegetables by conducting projects in the Home Food Production initiative. These projects focus on teaching the benefits of home food production and developing skills and knowledge in growing food, managing community gardens, or contributing to food banks or kitchens. With MGEV instruction…
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Knowing how to properly install and care for ornamental landscapes is critical for enjoying and reaping the benefits of the ecosystem services that they offer. Focusing on increasing awareness and knowledge of landscape and garden management for the optimum use and protection of the environment, education in this initiative includes management of all aspects of…
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Every year, MGEVs are blossoming with accomplishments, and 2016 was no exception! Between countless volunteer hours on new and continuing projects, many Master Gardeners also squeezed in the opportunity to expand their education beyond the rigorous training course load. The Advanced Training program is an additional educational outlet that allows MGEVs to learn more about…
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On Friday, December 2, 2016, Master Gardener Extension Volunteers (MGEVs) were invited to UGA Griffin for a unique workshop. They were asked to provide design insight for the horticultural and gardening elements of a public learning garden planned for the UGA Tifton Campus, the Farm & Garden Learning Station. Focusing on adaptive farming and gardening…
Another year is rapidly drawing to a close and we are reflecting on the great projects and outreach achieved in 2016. Thank you for all that you have contributed to Extension’s consumer horticulture programming throughout the state! In anticipation of another fantastic annual report for the Georgia MGEV Program, we’ll be reaching out to agents…
Posted in: MGLOG -
Guest post by Rebecca Brightwell, Associate Director / Public Service Faculty, University of Georgia, College of Family & Consumer Sciences, Institute on Human Development & Disability Farmers markets are hotter than ever before. A recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) report to Congress shares that local and regional food sales in the U.S. totaled $6.1 billion in 2012—an increase…
Posted in: Projects -
UGA announced another new publication today that adds to the series on community and school gardens. Are you aware of these publications? They could be very useful in talking with teachers or gardeners or other groups in the community who ask MGEVs about community and school gardens. Just in case these are new to you,…
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