2020 State Meeting

Each year, GAE4-HA hosts a state-wide annual meeting and professional improvement conference.  The 2020 Meeting was scheduled to be held at the Great Wolf Lodge in LaGrange, Georgia on April 20-22, 2020.  However, the meeting has been postponed.  

2021 State Conference – SAVE THE DATE  – May 3-5, 2021

A message from Dinah Rowe, 2020 State Meeting Chair.

GAE4-HA Membership,

On behalf of the GAE4-HA Executive Board, I wanted to update you on changes to our 2020 GAE4-HA Annual State Meeting in response to the current pandemic. As I announced, the meeting at Great Wolf Lodge has been cancelled for this year, but we have made plans to return together in 2021. Please save the dates of May 3-5, 2021 for this exciting opportunity (Room rates will stay the same at $99.00 per room).  

In light of the cancellation of the April meeting, and in accordance with the GAE4-HA by-laws, we are adapting plans to still hold a state meeting in this calendar year to hold our officer elections, business meeting, and recognize the outstanding achievements of our membership. We are asking our membership to hold Tuesday, August 18, 2020 for either a one day or virtual meeting. Based on the evolving nature of this situation, we will keep you updated and informed. We aim to make a decision by the end of July regarding a one day in person meeting (at Rock Eagle 4-H Center) or a virtual meeting online.

Conference attendees have two options regarding annual conference payment or refunds for the postponement of the annual meeting:

You may either request a rollover of registration fees or a refund.  If you have any questions about this process, don’t hesitate to contact Jenna Daniel, Treasurer, at jennabdaniel@uga.edu.

Kind Regards,

Dinah Rowe


Poster Presentations


2020 Officer Elections

At the 2020 meeting, membership will vote to elect two officer to the Executive Board: A vice president (4 year term)and secretary (2 year term).

2020 Vice President Candidate Packet for Jeffrey Burke

2020 Secretary Candidate Packet for Brennan Jackson