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Agriculture & Natural Resources Updates for Fannin & Gilmer Counties

Since the weather has warmed up I have been getting an increasing number of calls from folks who have sighted black bears in their yard. The first sighting is usually an exciting event – what a thrill to see such a large wild animal up close!

However, additional visits by a bear are not usually received as well. You see, bears are not known for their delicate table manners. They often leave behind a trail of smashed bird feeders, broken bee hives, and scattered household garbage.

I have had a number of folks report bear sightings already this year. Many of these calls have been concerning sows with cubs foraging. If you encounter cubs on the trail or passing by in your neighborhood, please leave them alone to pass by on their own. Chances are that the mother is lurking nearby and will not appreciate you engaging her cubs.

Considering the damage to wild fruit and nut bearing plants from the late freezes we had earlier this year, we may have even more contact with bears before the year is over. These encounters can be wonderfully enjoyable or woefully tragic. It all depends upon you.

Black bears are Georgia’s only bear species. According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division, bears have recovered to a healthy population of about 5,100 statewide or more. Adults may be up to 6 feet in length and about 3 feet high at the shoulder. Mature males can weigh over 500 pounds and may breed at 1.5 years of age. Females can weigh up to 300 pounds, but don’t have cubs until they are 3.5-4.5 years old.

Bears are omnivores. That means they eat whatever food is available. They can eat grass berries, fruit, acorns, carrion, insects, fish, and grain. They can also eat birdseed, trout food, dog food, honey, and household garbage. While they don’t have the best eyesight, they have an excellent sense of smell and are naturally attracted to food smells like cooking and garbage.

A bear’s range is variable with males covering a larger territory than females. A single bear’s territory may average somewhere around 10 square miles. I have had several reports of bear activity this year along Whitepath Road and Cherry Log area. Some of these sightings may be the same bear which has developed a strong taste for birdseed.

Bears are normally crepuscular. That means they are most active in early morning and in the late evening hours. When they are heavily influenced by human presence, around camp grounds for example, they may become nocturnal.

The primary rule for coexisting with bears is to keep bears wild and untamed. It is a good thing when a bear visiting your yard scampers away when it catches sight of you. Problems occur when bears begin associating people with food. Homeowners sometimes think it would be fun to put out food items to allow longer viewing of a bear that visits occasionally.

Bears will greedily gobble down the food offered, but then they want more and now they know where to find a quick snack. In search for food, they will destroy bird feeders, turn over trash cans, and scatter garbage. Compost piles, gardens, beehives and cornfields also attract bears. Non-natural foods are often easier to get, and over time, the more a bear is “rewarded” for coming around, it will begin to lose its natural fear of humans.

When good bears go bad the Department of Natural Resources is usually called into action. Control methods today usually focus on “hazing” techniques.  The hazing process intends to make the bear associate humans with unpleasant experiences.  Bears that don’t get the message and return to become a nuisance and a potential danger around homes and campgrounds eventually have to be destroyed.

Removing attractants is critical in resolving conflicts between people and bears. It may take several days for the bear to learn that it will no longer find a free meal. Usually, the bear will move on when the food source is gone. Bring any birdfeeders inside at night. Garbage cans need to be “bear proof” and the trash removed regularly. Don’t leave pet food or other food sources where the bears have access. When attractants cannot be removed, the installation of an electric fence may help alleviate bear problems (bee-yards, gardens, chicken pens).

Observing a bear from a safe distance can be a neat and enjoyable experience, but encouraging dangerous behavior by feeding bears puts them and you at risk for a not so happy ending. Do your part to minimize negative human to wildlife interactions. Yes, bears are going to be passing through, and it’s ok to admire them from afar, the key is not giving them a meal when they are passing through.

Bears are most active in early morning and in the late evening hours.
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