Weed Managment
Below are a few words from Dr. Eric Prostko, UGA Weed Sciencist, on the subjects of ryegrass control and the peanut rotation change to the Reviton herbicide label. A few things you might be interested in: 1) Lately, I have received a few questions about controlling Italian/annual ryegrass in preplant burndown situations. Assuming resistance is…
Current Situation: It has been an interesting week in Colquitt County agriculture. The dicamba situation has been the topic of discussion in the industry. All I can say is to stay tuned. I have been getting questions about oats and other small grains. Small grains range from Feekes Stage 4 to jointing. Below is a…
The 2024 production meeting season is fast approaching. Below are the dates for the meetings in January and February 2024. If you would like to attend please fill out online form below. If you have any questions please contact the Colquitt County Extension office. The number is 229-616-7455. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1JZZiXX9k2XkOWaM8FBqNTjoKJMK5R3x-zXbP5ARNkFMZjQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Another exciting week in Colquitt County agriculture. The 2023 Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day is scheduled for July 20, and farmers are invited to join us to learn practical information from the region’s top agricultural scientists about the newest technologies that farmers can use to improve their operations. The Sunbelt team looks forward to welcoming…
Cotton: The crop ranges from 4 leaf to the second week of bloom. It does not take long for dry conditions to take over. Irrigation requirements increase as the crop approaches bloom. The UGA Weather station at the Sunbelt Ag Expo reported evapotranspiration rates from 0.23 to 0.26 inches per day for 6 out of 7…
Rain, rain, rain. This has been the story for the past week. Rainfall amounts for the past week have ranged from 3 inches upwards to 8 inches. Wet conditions are making weed control in cotton and peanuts, and nitrogen applications in cotton a challenge. The cotton crop ranges from early emergence to 12 leaf. Aphid…
This has been a challenging week for the agricultural community in Colquitt County and the big story this week included the strong storms and hail that occurred on Wednesday night. The amount of damage from the hail storm on cotton, corn, and vegetables depends on the location in the county. Pictures of large hail have…
Peanuts: Hot, dry conditions are here. I have seen a few lesser cornstalk borers (LSB) in area peanut fields. Growers, consultants, and county agents need to be out in fields looking for this pest. Rainfall totals for the last three weeks (May 28 to June 11, 2023) have ranged from 0.2 to 045 inches according…
Below are a few words about peanut post emerge weed control in peanuts from Dr. Eric Prostko. Here are a couple of quick pics/comments about POST weed control in peanuts based upon research plots that were rated earlier today (June 6). FYI, I did not get any activating moisture for the PRE herbicides for 8-9…
Growers are trying to finish planting their cotton and peanut crops. The corn crop ranges from V10 to early pollination, and the peanut crop ranges from just planted to about 40 days old. The weather has not been optimal for herbicide applications to cotton and peanuts. Drier weather is in the immediate forecast. The cooler…
Posted in: Corn, Cotton, Entolomogy, Hay & Forages, Peanuts, Plant Pathology, weather, Weed Managment, Weed Resistance