Current Situation: The weather was drier this past week. The cotton crop ranges from squaring to just planted. Post emerge herbicide applications are being applied in some cotton fields. The peanut crop ranges from just planted to blooming. The corn crop ranges from V10-pollination.
As May is in the books, let’s look at the accumulated rainfall for the state of Georgia. The illustration below shows the accumulated rainfall in percent of average for May for the period between 1991-2020. Colquitt County had rainfall amounts running 300% of normal for May. This information is available at

EPISODE 14, Season 2
In this episode, Dr. Scott Monfort talked peanuts with Dr. Glen Harris, Dr. Scott Tubbs, Dr. Mark Abney, Dr. Simer Virk, Dr. Bob Kemerait, and Dr. Wes Porter. In this episode, the peanut team talked about the current situation including irrigating, technology, fertility, insects, and diseases. Here is the link to the podcast.
The latest edition of the UGA Cotton podcast. Below is a link to the sixth episode of the Talkin’ Cotton Podcast, which is a discussion on replanting cotton, planting June cotton, and the Farm Bill. Episode 6 –
Corn: The earlier planted corn is reaching or has reached VT, growers are trying to make decisions on fungicide applications for Southern Rust. The map below is shows the locations of sentinel plots for Southern Rust. Numerous reports of Southern Rust in Louisiana but no reports in Georgia. A few comments from Dr. Bob on this situation.
Corn- much of our early corn crop is (or soon will be) at the tassel growth stage. Tassel is a key timing in applying a fungicides to protect against diseases like southern corn rust. However, to date, NO SOUTHERN CORN RUST has yet to be found in Georgia or Alabama. Therefore, I believe corn growers can safely delay their first fungicide application until southern rust is found.
From the first picture, “green” counties in Georgia and Alabama mean that we have looked for southern rust there (thanks Dr. Ed Sikora) but it has NOT been found. Now look on the map to Louisiana and note that 2 parishes (counties by another name) ARE RED (meaning that southern rust has been confirmed, thanks Dr. Trey Price) and others are “yellow” meaning there is good reason to believe southern rust is there but not yet found. If the map in Georgia looked like the map in Louisiana, I would be recommending we spray. Our map does NOT look like Louisiana and therefore we will scout thoroughly but hold off on recommendations to spray.
I am always asked, especaily by corn growers, “which is the BEST fungicide against southern rust??” The question is understandable, yet problematic. The questions implies that there is ONLY ONE fungicide that should be sprayed. That is not correct. Growers who spray on time and ahead of rust have a number of effective products to use, especially if they include a mix of fungicides with different modes of action.
To get the very most from a fungicide application, growers should apply a fungicide preventative or soon after infection occurs. This requires being vigilant and having a plan of action. Based upon our sentinel plot observations, southern corn rust, tart spot, and soybean rust are NOT yet found in Georgia. But that could change quickly. Stay tuned.

Peanuts: I had a question or two about tropical spiderwort management in peanut. Dr. Prostko has provide several programs for this pest.
a) PRE Immediately After Planting: Valor at 3 oz/A + Dual Magnum 7.62EC or generic metolachlor (Stalwart, Parallel PCS, Me-Too-Lachlor) at 1 pt/A or Warrant 3ME at 3 pt/A or Outlook 6EC @ 12.8 oz/A and
b) POST when spiderwort is 1–2″ tall: Cadre/Impose 2AS at 4 oz/A or Strongarm 84WG at 0.45 oz/A + Dual Magnum 7.62EC or generic metolachlor (Stalwart, Parallel PCS, Me-Too-Lachlor) at 1 pt/A or Warrant 3ME at 3 pt/A or Zidua 4.17SC @ 2.5 oz/A or Anthem Flex 4SC @ 3 oz/A or Outlook 6EC @ 12.8 oz/A.
* At plant applications of Dual/Warrant/Outlook are more effective for TSW/BD control at later peanut
planting dates (May 15 or later) because the majority of emergence occurs after June 1.
a) AT-CRACK (within 28 days after peanut cracking): Apply paraquat 2SL formulations at 12 oz/A A or paraquat 3SL formulations a t 8 oz/A Storm 4EC at 16 oz/A or Basagran 4EC @ 8 oz/A + Dual Magnum 7.62EC or generic meto-lachlor (Stalwart, Parallel PCS, Me-Too-Lachlor) at 1 pt/A or Warrant 3ME at 3 pt/A or Zidua 4.17SC @ 2.5 oz/A or Anthem Flex 4SC @ 3 oz/A or Outlook 6EC @ 12.8 oz/A and
b) POST (~2–3 weeks after at-crack spray): Apply Cadre/Impose 2AS at 4 oz/A or Strongarm 84WG at 0.45 oz/A + Dual Magnum 7.62EC or generic metolachlor (Stalwart, Parallel PCS, Me-Too-Lachlor) at 1 pt/A or Warrant 3ME at 3 pt/A or Zidua 4.17SC @ 2.5 oz/A or Anthem Flex 4SC @ 3 oz/A or Outlook 6EC @ 12.8 oz/A.
* When using Dual Magnum/generics or Outlook in combination with Cadre/Impose, paraquat, or Strongarm, additional spray adjuvants (NIS, COC) are not necessary. The maximum amount/A/year of Dual Magnum that can be applied is 2.8 pt/A. The maximum amount/A/year of Stalwart, Parallel PCS, or Me-To-Lachlor that can be applied is 2.66 pt/A. The maximum amount of Warrant that can be applied PRE + POST is 6 pt/A/year. Maximum amount of Zidua that can be applied is 4 oz/A/year of 85WG or 6.5 oz/A/year of 4.17SC. When Warrant or Zidua is applied POST, a NIS (0.25% v/v) is needed. Maximum amount of Outlook that can be appplied is 21 oz/A/year (i.e. 2 applications at 10.5 oz/A). Maximum amount of Anthem Flex that can be applied is 9.12 oz/A/year.
** Zidua/Anthem Flex should not be applied prior to peanut emergence due to potential injury concerns.
*** Twin rows and conventional tillage (plowing) are also useful for the management of tropical spiderwort/Benghal dayflower.
What about using Basagran for the management of Spiderwort? Dr. Prostko shared this information with me last week from his research in 2023.

The peanut disease situation from Dr. Bob. Many fields of peanuts are now 30 days old, or will be in the next week or so. Conditions have been favorable for outbreaks of leaf spot diseases, especially where peanuts are planted on short rotations. Growers who did not use Velum at planting and who are not using either Priaxor or Lucento, are encouraged to consider a first application somewhere between 30-35 days after planting for management of leaf spot. Some peanut growers, especially with short rotation, may also begin white mold programs within 30 to 45 days after planting, though the most critical window for leaf spot control begins approximately 60 days after planting.
Forages: I have been noticing some rust and leaf spot in a couple bermudagrass hay fields over the last week. The causal fungus of leaf rust, Puccinia cynodontis, usually appears late in the summer when the humidity is high. Heavy infestations can decrease both hay yields and quality. Another disease called Helminthosporium leaf spot can look similar to rust to the naked eye and can cause similar damage. If you would like more information on this subject please go here.

Bermudagrass stem maggot.. I have been picking up low amounts or bermudagrass stem maggot in some area bermudagrass hay fields. Growers need to monitor populations over the next few weeks.

Have a great week,
Jeremy M. Kichler
Colquitt County Extension Coordinator
The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension does not endorse or guarantee the performance of any products mentioned in this update.