A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

News, events, and happenings in Colquitt County agriculture.

Jeremy Kichler

  • Late Summer Nut Drop

    Below are a few comments from Dr. Lenny Wells on the current pecan situation. Pecans are susceptible to four distinct periods of physiological nut drop throughout the growing season, in which the tree will abort or shed nuts. The first drop occurs immediately after pollination and often goes un-noticed. The second drop, occurring in June,…

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  • Current Row Crop Disease Situation!!

    Current weather patterns have made conditions very good for white mold development in the Colquitt County area. Below are some points, from Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist, to consider to hopefully keep the white mold situation from getting out of hand. REMEMBER: In a season like this, the perfect storm of a season, even…

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  • A cotton and soybean insect management update will be held at the Packer Park Farm (across the road from the new high school) in Moultrie, GA on Thursday, August 6th.  This meeting will start at 1 PM.  Dr. Phillip Roberts, UGA Cotton and Soybean Entomologist, will be in attendance to give grower an update on…

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  • Row Crop Disease Update 7-24-15

    Below are a few comments from Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist, about the current row crop disease situation.  There has been angular leaf spot observed in Colquitt County.  Cotton: ANGULAR LEAF SPOT (aka bacterial blight):  Angular leaf spot is a bacterial disease caused by the pathogen now known as Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum.  We have not…

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  • 2015 Peanut Rx

    A good way to help producers with fungicide programs in peanut is to use Peanut Rx.  Peanut Rx was developed by researchers and Extension specialists at UGA, University of Florida, and Auburn University.  This program takes factors such as variety, planting date, plant population, row pattern tillage and field history to help growers calculate their risk…

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  • Forage Insect Update 7-24-15

    Below are a few comments from Dr, Dennis Hancock, UGA Forage Agronomist, on the current forage insect situation. Bermudagrass stem maggot We have been seeing and getting reports of bermudagrass stem maggot damage all across the southern 2/3 of Georgia. Most folks have cut their second cutting and many have started on their third cut.…

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  • Thoughts on Bermudagrass Stem Maggot!!

    I have been noticing various levels of bermudagrass stem maggot damage in area bermudagrass fields.  It is suggest to closely monitoring the current regrowth of bermudagrass for damage. It is usually late in the second cutting or early in the third cutting when damaging levels first begin to appear. Spraying an insecticide as a preventative/prophylactic application…

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  • I have been receiving a few calls about PGR use on cotton. Factors that must be considered when determining when and how much mepiquat to use include:(1) stage of plant growth, (2) rate of plant growth, (3) pest control and (4) anticipated plantgrowth (irrigation, drought, fertility). Because of the many variables, hard and fast rules…

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  • Sugar Cane Aphid Management in Sorghum

    I have been getting calls and questions about sugar cane aphids in grain sorghum.  Below are some thoughts from Dr. David Buntin, UGA Entomologist, about sugar cane management in grain sorghum. Treat when aphids reach threshold levels. Several threshold levels are being used in the Delta region for 2015. One conservative threshold is 25% infested…

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  • Colquitt County Extension Ag Update 6-8-15

    Row Crop Disease Management Meeting:  There will be a row crop management disease management meeting at the Colquitt County Extension office on June 18th at noon. Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist, will be hand to give growers an update on peanut soileborne programs, southern rust management in corn, and other row crop disease issues. …

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