Jeremy Kichler
Many of you may have noticed pecan trees with wart-like galls on the leaves. This is the result of feeding by an aphid-like insect called phylloxera, which causes rapid and abnormal growth of young leaf tissue to surround and enclose the female (called a stem mother). Based on the calls I’ve had and observations in the…
Posted in: Pecans -
This year’s El Nino is particularly weird according to University of Georgia Climatologist Pam Knox. Typically, El Nino starts around late December, but this time around it did not start until about March. Because of that, subtropical jet streams have shifted over Texas and Oklahoma during their planting season, causing those area to receive an…
Posted in: weather -
Building on the success of the first 10 years of the Southeastern Hay Contest, we are excited to announce a MAJOR EXPANSION of this contest! Massey Ferguson has joined us as the title sponsor for the SE Hay Contest! They will be providing the Grand Prize of a new Massey Ferguson RK Series rotary rake…
Posted in: Hay & Forages -
Young pecan trees require two key ingredients for establishment; 1) water and 2) elimination of weed competition. There is no published data on required irrigation amounts for young pecan trees that I have been able to find. So, we began a study in 2014 to determine this for trees grown under Southeastern U.S. conditions. Looking at trees in…
Posted in: Pecans -
Below are a few words from Mark Abney, UGA Peanut Entomologist, on threecornered alfalfa hoppers and potato leafhopper. Threecornered alfalfa hopper (TCAH) is commonly seen in Georgia peanut fields each year. This insect is highly mobile as an adult, and large numbers can very quickly move into and out of a field. The adults are…
Posted in: Uncategorized -
At-cracking sprays are an effective tool in managing weeds in peanuts. New pre-plant incorporate (PPI) or pre emergence (PRE) herbicides provide an excellent residual barrier in a weed program. But many fields will need an at-cracking herbicide(s). Consider the following tips when making at-crack applications with paraquat in peanuts: **If the main weed problems are…
Posted in: Peanuts -
I have had a few questions about using Liberty in cotton weed control programs. Growers need to preserve this technology because it will play a key role in weed control programs in the foreseeable future. It is important to use residual herbicides in Liberty based programs and growers should try to only make two applications…
Below are a few words from Dr. Lenny Wells, UGA Pecan Specialist, about bark flaking off. I get calls every year about ‘Desirable’ pecan trees on which the bark is peeling off or sloughing off in large chunks. While it occurs on other cultivars, this is a common occurrence and yet another quirk of ‘Desirable’.…
Posted in: Pecans -
Below is information from J. Michael Moore, UGA Tobacco Specialist, about the Georgia-Florida Tobacco Tour. See the following link for the general Schedule and for Registration information. Thank you for Registering using the website registration form. Check back often as this page will be updated as the information becomes available. The specific schedule and…
Posted in: Tobacco -
2015 Corn Silage and Forage Field Day Thursday June 18, 2015 University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center, Tifton, Georgia TENTATIVE PROGRAM 7:30 am Registration 8:00 am Welcome 8:15 am Tour of variety test plots 9:40 am return to conference center 10:00 am Silage inoculants (35 minutes) – Dr. Zvi Weinberg, Volcani Institute, Israel…