A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

News, events, and happenings in Colquitt County agriculture.

Jeremy Kichler

  • Kissing Bugs and Chagas Disease

    Below is good information from Dr. Nancy Hinkle, UGA Entomology,  about kissing bugs and Chagas Disease. Kissing bugs have been in Georgia for millions of years. They, and their relatives such as leaf-footed bugs and wheel bugs, are common. Kissing bugs are not deadly and most of them are not infected with the parasite that…

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  • Cotton Marketing News 11-30-15

    Below is a link to the Cotton Marketing News for 11-30-15. cmn11302015

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  • Minimize Your Risks from Moldy Hay

    Below is information from Dr. Dennis Hancock, UGA Extension Forage Specialist, about feeding moldy hay to livestock. Because of the wet fall, many producers have faced extremely difficult field curing conditions for their hay. Additionally, hay that was bone dry in the field has, in many cases, developed mold problems in the barn. This later issue…

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  • Current Forage Questions!!

    Watch Out for Prussic Acid !! This is the time of year cattle producers need to be careful of Prussic acid. Prussic acid poisoning may occur when livestock consume certain forages and wild plants. Prussic acid is also called hydrocyanic acid or HCN. HCN can build up to toxic levels in leaves of plants such…

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  • 2014 Farmgate Value Report

    Led by increases in forestry and livestock values, Georgia’s agricultural output increased by $484 million in 2014, making agriculture, once again, the largest industry in the state with a value of $14.1 billion. According to the most recent University of Georgia Farmgate Value Report, published earlier this month, the value of Georgia’s livestock and aquaculture…

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  • Potential Problems with Kernel Quality

    Below are a few words from Lenny Wells on the current pecan situation. Source: Potential Problems with Kernel Quality The crop has progressed well and has looked good overall to date. But, it appears that as the early maturing varieties are harvested and others are nearing harvest, we are seeing some issues with the kernels…

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  • Weed Control in Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower!!!

    It is that time of year again when growers start planting their cabbage crop in Colquitt County.  This circular focuses on developing sound herbicide programs while minimizing crop injury for the following production systems: 1) transplanting into mulch, 2) transplanting into bareground, and 3) seeding into bareground. It is critical for growers to understand that…

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  • Upcoming Meeting:  On Friday, September 4, 2015,the Colquitt County Cooperative Extension will be hosting a Colquitt County Cotton Defoliation and Peanut Maturity Meeting.  The meeting will begin at noon with a sponsored lunch.  Drs. Jared Whitaker, UGA Cotton Agronomist, and Scott Monfort, UGA Peanut Agronomist, will be in attendance to give area growers an update…

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  • Colquitt County Extension Ag Update 8-26-15

    White flies!:  Dr. Philip Roberts, UGA Cotton Entomologist, and Scott Carlson, Tift County Extension Agent, have reported a couple of Tift County cotton fields at treatable levels for white fly.  Some fields may be at less risk if the cotton is closer to maturity; but later planted, younger cotton may require treatment.  The treatment decision…

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  • The Georgia 2014-2015 Small Grain Performance Tests report (AP100-7) has been finalized and is available on the Variety Testing web site: Small Grain OVT Data on the web site are in PDF format and require the use of Adobe Reader. To access PDF files using an iPad, iPhone, or Android device, you must have an…

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