A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

News, events, and happenings in Colquitt County agriculture.

Jeremy Kichler

  • Peanuts in Colquitt County range from just planted to 45 days old. Fungicide program questions are going to become more common as the year goes on. Below are a few words from Dr. Bob on fungicide programs. We have quite a few peanuts that are 30+ days old and I’ve started getting a couple of…

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  • Peanut POST’s (Prostko)

    Below are a few words about peanut post emerge weed control in peanuts from Dr. Eric Prostko. Here are a couple of quick pics/comments about POST weed control in peanuts based upon research plots that were rated earlier today (June 6).  FYI, I did not get any activating moisture for the PRE herbicides for 8-9…

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  • Growers are trying to finish planting their cotton and peanut crops. The corn crop ranges from V10 to early pollination, and the peanut crop ranges from just planted to about 40 days old. The weather has not been optimal for herbicide applications to cotton and peanuts. Drier weather is in the immediate forecast. The cooler…

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  • By Pam Knox.. NOAA released their 2023 Atlantic hurricane outlook today. They expect a near-normal number of storms this year, with 12-17 named storms, 5-9 hurricanes, and 1-4 major hurricanes. This is less active than in the last few seasons due to the lack of a La Nina. However, because of the competing impacts of…

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  • Corn Disease Situation 5/25/23

    The corn disease situation in Colquitt County has been quiet. The earlier planted corn has reached or is approaching tassel. The weather forecast calls for dryer conditions for the next week. Below are a few comments from Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist, about the current corn disease situation. To date, UGA Extension does not…

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  • Colquitt County Crop Situation 5/21/23

    In this issue: Insect and disease situation in cotton and peanuts, post emerge herbicide applications in cotton and peanut, Southern rust situation in corn, Ascochyta (wet weather blight), TSWV, sore shin, and information from Dr. Eric Prostko. He educates growers about soil-applied glyphosate and peanuts.  The weather has not cooperated with wheat producers this past week as…

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  • Valor/Peanut Injury (Again) – Prostko

    This time of year the calls come in about Valor injury on peanut. Dr. Eric Prostko, UGA Peanut Weed Guy, has some great points about Valor injury and how they recover from this issue. Last night (May 12), many areas of the state received some rainfall.  In some locations, it was more than 1″ (Camilla…

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  • Colquitt County Ag Update 5/14/23

    In this issue: Hail Damage, Current Crop Stages Make Decisions More Difficult — Dewey Lee, Retired UGA Corn Agronomist, “Does this grower need to use Thimet in-furrow now to fight thrips and tomato spotted wilt?” , Wheat harvest is around the corner !! , How do I manage my pre emerge herbicides if I have to…

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  • Insect scouting schools will be conducted on June 5, 2023 in Tifton and June 13, 2023 in Midville. Crops to be covered includecotton, peanuts, and soybean. These programs offer basic information on insect pest identification and damage, natural enemies, and scouting procedures. The training will serve as an introduction to insect monitoring for new scouts…

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  • A few words from Dr. Mark Abney on the management of TSWV. Peanut planting time has arrived in Georgia, and that means thrips season is here as well. Many of the decisions a peanut grower makes at planting will affect the risk of thrips infestation and the risk of Tomato spotted wilt disease. By now,…

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