This morning I found an interesting article on Ag about B.t. resistant fall armyworms. Doug Johnson of the University of Kentucky wrote the article to address the state’s potential risk to the resistant population. The interest started with the discovery of a resistant population in North Carolina in field corn. Scientists from NCSU discovered this…
I want to share with you the results of the Brooks County 2014 Cotton Variety Performance Trial. This cotton variety performance test consisted of 36 replications, 12 varieties replicated 3 times each. We planted this trial on May 7, 2014 and harvested on October 13, 2014. Brooks County Extension participated in this trial, to contribute…
The National Cotton Council of America is hosting a STAX/Farm Bill Workshop on November 19, 2014. The workshop will be held at the RDC building in Tifton (small auditorium) and begin at 9:00 a.m. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the new STAX, supplemental coverage option, and implementation of the new farm…
Posted in: Cotton -
I have included the current Brooks County moth numbers for Tobacco Budworm (TBW) and Corn Earworm (CEW). Also, for your information I am attaching a pest update from Dr. Phillip Roberts. Please call if you have any questions. This is Phillip Roberts, Extension entomologist with the University of Georgia and this Pest Patrol Update is…
During the past ten years, Target Spot in cotton has continued to increase in Georgia. Currently, with warm weather, good canopy growth, and scattered rainfall the conditions are favorable for Target Spot. Of course, when we receive consistent rain showers the cotton experiences better growth and increased periods of leaf wetness which permits the risk…
This week we have a decrease in the number of moth captures. Both tobacco budworm and corn earworm numbers are down. However, we should anticipate cyclic (approximately 4 weeks) increases and decreases in these numbers throughout the season. Typically, we will see a pattern develop of a decrease and within 2 weeks another sharp increase.…
Please note in this week’s trap numbers, the significant increase in Corn Earworm (CEW) captures. It is important to remember that Bt cottons are not immune to CEW damage. We should be carefully monitoring blooms, bloom tagged bolls, and small bolls for CEW larvae, that is 1/4 inch or greater in length. Larvae of this…
I am providing this weeks Tobacco Budworm (TBW) and Corn Earworm (CEW) trap captures. Please take note of the rapid increase of moth numbers found in traps. Also, in communicating with Dr. Phillip Roberts (UGA Extension Entomologist), we have learned that beet armyworms (BAW) are active on pigweed escapes in some areas. During scouting cotton,…
I wanted to provide a quick reference chart for common pests in cotton and recommended treatment thresholds. I hope a condensed chart will be useful and save time. Please refer to the Georgia Pest Management Handbook for cotton insecticide options or call our office at 263-4103 or my cell phone @ 305-7047. PEST THRESHOLD Aphid…