Disease Control
This Friday, December 14th at noon at the Brooks County Ag Building will be the corn and soybean production meeting. Lunch will be served and there will be three UGA specialists speaking. Please RSVP to the office at (229) 263-4103.
I wanted to share disease updates and UGA recommendations, for peanuts, cotton, and soybeans. Please call me if you have any additional questions. Peanut: We have experienced a couple of weeks of ideal conditions (very hot temperatures & scattered rainfall) for leaf spot diseases and white mold. In order to protect the crop during this critical…
Southern Corn Rust (pictures by Andy Shirley) Please see the article below by Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Extension Plant Pathologist regarding southern rust in corn and Asian soybean rust: “Thanks very much to agents Chase Hembree and Andy Shirley and consultant Rome Ethredge for first detection and diagnosis of southern corn rust (Puccinia polysora) in Georgia this year.…
Courtesy of Dr Bhabesh Dutta UGA Extension Vegetable Pathologist: Downy mildew of squash has been detected from Thomas County in Georgia (May 3, 2016). These observations indicate that inoculum of downy mildew is currently in GA and under favorable conditions (cool and wet conditions) potential disease outbreak in cucurbit can occur. I would suggest our cucurbit growers to look for the downy mildew symptoms in…
The Brooks County Extension Vegetable Production Meeting was held on February 2, 2016, with Dr. Tim Coolong. I wanted to share with you handouts that I distributed related to crop specific fungicide spray programs and fungicide efficacy charts for beans & brassicas. Please click on links provided to access information.…
Asian soybean rust has finally been found in Georgia in 2015. The disease was found on soybean leaves from sentinel plots in Attapulgus, Decatur County. Asian soybean rust has been slow to develop in Georgia and Alabama this year, but has been found scattered throughout Mississippi. Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Extension Plant Pathologist “Any soybeans…
Downy mildew of watermelon has been detected from Sumter County in Georgia (June 10, 2015). These observations indicate that inoculum of downy mildew is currently in GA and under favorable conditions (wet conditions) can be a potential problem in watermelon. I would suggest our watermelon growers to look for the downy mildew symptoms in their…
On Friday Andrew Shirley found Southern Corn Rust in a field in Mitchell County. Remember Southern Corn Rust is the most important disease on corn! Rain is back in the forecast for next week, which will be favorable for development of rust. Any corn that is approaching (or has passed) the tassel growth stage is…
We just received word from the GA dept. of Ag. that Counter will not receive a Sec. 18 for 2015. Here is a report from Dr. Bob Kemerait, Extension Plant Pathologist; “I received official word from the Georgia Department of Ag that the EPA has denied our request to use Counter 20G on cotton. (It…
The Brooks County Extension Vegetable meeting was held on February 25th. At this meeting, I shared information and handouts related to many new labels that have been acquired for 2015 growing season. I have included links that provide this information for fungicides, nematicides, insecticides, and herbicides. Also, I wanted to provide you with 2015…