The Brooks County Extension Cotton Marketing Meeting was held on January 19th, 2016, with Dr. Don Shurley. I wanted to share the educational information that I distributed and discussed at this meeting. I am providing links to the 2016 Row Crop Cost Comparison Budget (includes cotton, corn, peanuts, & soybeans), cotton budgets, and Tifton…
Article taken from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said early Wednesday that USDA lawyers have determined the department does not have the authority to declare cottonseed an oilseed, as the cotton industry has asked. The declaration would make cottonseed eligible for farm subsidies, but after a speech to the National Association of State Departments of…
Here is the 2016 Crop Comparison Tool and Row Crop Budgets from UGA Extension Economists Amanda Smith and Dr. Don Shurley. You can go to the link and download the comparison tool and customize expected yield and prices. The 2016 peanut, corn, grain sorghum, and soybean enterprise budgets are also complete.
Via Alton Sparks, Extension Entomologist; “Many have asked about EPA’s proposal to revoke US food tolerances for the insecticide chlorpyrifos. This proposal is an outcome of a recent U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision ordering EPA to respond to allegations about chlorpyrifos in a 2007 activist petition. EPA said it will not act on…
Here are some comments from Nathan Smith, Extension Economist: “FSA recently held training for State Staff on ARCPLC enrollment. Producers are required to enroll annually in the ARCPLC program to be eligible to receive payments. The enrollment period is expected to begin mid-June. Enrollment for 2014 and 2015 ARCPLC will take place during this signup…
Posted in: Economics -
The Brooks County Extension Cotton/Soybean Production Update meeting was held on February 10, 2015. I wanted to share the educational material that I distributed at this meeting. To access the following information, click on the provided links. Please call me if you would like a copy of 2015 Cotton Production handbook. Also, we are still…
Brook Co. cattle producers Dr. Curt Lacy, Extension Livestock Economist, has released the new 2015 budgets for cow-calf operations! With prices like they are this is the time to seriously look at inputs to maximize your potential for great profits.The budgets are in excel, so you’ll need the program. The budgets aren’t up on the UGA Extension website yet,…
The Brooks County Extension Corn Production meeting was held on December 4, 2014. I wanted to share the educational material that I distributed at this producer meeting. To access the following information, click on provided links. Please call me if you have any questions or if you would like a hard copy of the 2015…