On-site Waste Treatment
In the July 2024 issue of Pumper Magazine, there was a story about being aware of the dangers of septic tanks. The article titled “We Can Do Much More to Raise Septic Pumping Awareness” starts with a recap of a story on a TV station in Florida that talked about a couple that found an…
Posted in: On-site Waste Treatment -
Over the past 50 years our diets have changed for a multitude of reasons as explained by Dr. Sara Heger in the December 2024 Pumper Magazine in the story titled “How Does Diet Affect Septic Systems“. In the article Dr. Heger explains how our diets may contain more Fiber which adds to the solids content…
The team from UGA in the Water Resources tent at the 2021 Athens Water Festival
A few weeks ago, members of the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission took part in the Jeff Davis Field Day focusing on K-2nd graders. One of the things they taught the kids was some of teh items that should and should not be flushed. The Soil and Water employees used the “Flushable” and “Non-Flushable”…
Most installations of septic systems to manage on-site wastewater are typically no big deal. There are many different ways to install systems, but sometimes there are difficult installations. One such installation is highlighted in the February 13, 2023 issue of the Onsite Installer magazine and the title of the story is Facing Tough Waterfront Jobs,…
Trees and Plants have roots to provide them a means to get water and nutrients for growth. Septic and Sewer lines are good locations of a constant supply of water and nutrients. I have gotten a few calls about how close to septic or sewer lines trees, shrubs, and gardens should be planted. The general…
Today we look at something a little than septic systems and that is Well Water with Gary Hawkins and how to Keep it Clean!
Today Rust Royston representing the Soil Science Society of Georgia provides us some information on the pipes and septic system distribution in our yards. See Rusty’s video showing us how to Shield Your Field! Tomorrow we will discuss Keeping it Clean! See you tomorrow.
Today Laurel Loftin with the Athens-Clarke County Public Utilities Department provides us some ways to protect your septic system by conserving water. Laurel provides some good information to help us so we Don’t Strain the Drain! Tomorrow we will discuss Shielding the Field! See you then.
Your septic tank collects all of the things that is flushed down the commode and put down the drain. Some of the material that is flushed can be and is degraded by the microbes in the septic tank. However, some things do not and over time builds up in the septic tank. Gary Hawkins provides…