In the July 2024 issue of Pumper Magazine, there was a story about being aware of the dangers of septic tanks.

The article titled “We Can Do Much More to Raise Septic Pumping Awareness” starts with a recap of a story on a TV station in Florida that talked about a couple that found an engagement ring that was accidentally flushed over 20 years prior. The good side of the story is that they found the ring when replacing the toilet. The bad side of the article or news story was the reporter and lady matter-of-factly said they entered the septic tank. This is a dangerous venture due to the build up of methane, hydrogen sulfide and being a confined space. Read the article to find more details and information of septic tank safety.

From a UGA Extension aspect, if you have a group that is interested in doing educational programs for your groups on septic systems and proper maintenance and operation see your UGA County Extension Agent and they can work with you and me to provide a “Lunch and Learn” type program on the Basics of Onsite Wastewater Systems. Some publications we have at UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences on this topic are: A Beginner’s Guide to Septic Systems and On-site Wastewater Management Systems and Their Environmental Impacts.