Gary Hawkins
Managing water is a unique thing, in really wet times we have to figure out how to best capture what we need and then release the rest while trying to figure out how to keep too much water from resulting in floods. in really dry times, how do we manage the lack or water or…
Water conservation is something we do not always think about in that a drip here and a drip there does not seem like much, but in a city that can add up to potentially millions of gallons annually. In urban areas where the water comes from a water treatment plant, that means more water coming…
One of the sessions this week at the Georgia Environmental Conference was titled “Golf Course BMPs”. The speakers were Chris Steigelman, President of the GA Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) at the Landings Club, Scott Griffith at the UGA Golf Course, Gary L. Hawkins, UGA Crop and Soil Sciences with…
In the July issue of Fruit Growers News, there is an article that goes over some of the issues growers in California are having to get water and some of the practices they are using to capture water for reuse. Some of the practices being used are converting from flood irrigation to drip irrigation and…
In the July 2022 issue of Municipal Sewer and Water magazine, the article On the Green presents information of how the Clear Lake City Water Authority converted a golf course that was up for sale into a community stormwater management system with additions of community green space. The Authority used the existing water hazards for…
Posted in: General Water Issues -
Using Green Infrastructure to help solve problems with stormwater and CSOs is one of the tools available for cities around the US. In the Municipal Sewer and Water Magazine, August 2021 issue, there is an article explaining how the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati is using stormwater management to aid in reducing stress on…
The team from UGA in the Water Resources tent at the 2021 Athens Water Festival
Water is everywhere. It is used by us, plants, animals and as we have learned moves in a cycle. The Georgia 4-H Program looked at water in one of their Zoom into Science programs and I wanted to share it with you here. Zoom into Science – All about Water The Southwest District 4H2O Team…
Today we look at something a little than septic systems and that is Well Water with Gary Hawkins and how to Keep it Clean!
Today Rust Royston representing the Soil Science Society of Georgia provides us some information on the pipes and septic system distribution in our yards. See Rusty’s video showing us how to Shield Your Field! Tomorrow we will discuss Keeping it Clean! See you tomorrow.