Happy new year! While some have started their winter pruning, most people get started pruning after the new year. While pruning timing choices often come down to labor, I wanted to post some resources so you can all refresh yourselves since pruning is one of the most vital vineyard care activities. We are currently getting a grower pruning workshop organized, so stay tuned, but it likely will be a later session (late Feb/early Mar) so be sure to check out the resources below and/or contact your county Extension agent. I am running two training sessions for county agents on pruning in the next month and a half and many of you are in counties with agents who are already very knowledgeable on pruning (in fact, I have Clark MacAllister and Nathan Eason helping me teach the dormant pruning section of the new UGA undergraduate/graduate class on vineyard management!).



  • 28-30 Jan, 2024 – GWP Annual Meeting – Macon, GA – https://www.georgiawineproducers.org/event-5508084
  • See the upcoming EVEF schedule for both viticulture and enology events :https://extension.psu.edu/fourth-annual-eastern-viticulture-and-enology-forum-webinar-series. The next one is Wednesday, Jan 10 from noon to 1:30 PM on Building Better Spray Programs and the practical takeaways from the FRAME project on fungicide resistance. Yours truly will be helping to host this one, so call me biased, but this should be something you don’t want to miss!
January 10, 2024ViticultureBuilding Better Spray Programs: Practical Outcomes From the FRAME Networks ProjectRegistration Link
January, 24, 2024EnologyAn Acid Management Toolkit for Eastern WinesRegistration Link
February 14, 2024ViticultureA Current Review of Spotted Lanternfly Updates and Findings in VineyardsRegistration Link
February 28, 2024EnologyGood Management of Malolactic Fermentation-Impact FactorsRegistration Link
March 20, 2024ViticultureAddressing Climate Change Challenges Through Vineyard Management StrategiesRegistration Link
March 27, 2024EnologyBioprotection Strategies to Control Spoilage Organisms During WinemakingRegistration Link
April 24, 2024EnologyGood Management of Malolactic Fermentation-Sensory ImpactRegistration Link