Please mark your calendars for the Effective Vineyard Spraying Conference. 

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This event will be held on Thursday, April 26th from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Frogtown Cellars. Thanks in advance to Craig and Cydney Kritzer and their staff for hosting this event.


While the growth stage-based vineyard and pest management workshop held in March covered WHAT and WHEN (what pesticides for what pests at respective growth stages), this conference will cover HOW (to effectively apply pesticides for optimized spray penetration and coverage efficacy).

Andrew Landers, owner of Effective Spraying and longtime Cornell University faculty member, and spray technology extraordinaire, will be the featured speaker throughout this conference. I am happy to bring Andrew Landers down here to speak to our producers. Andrew is THE source for effective vineyard spraying and vineyard spray technology. Given our pest-intensive climate, these topics will greatly aid in the management of our regional vineyards.  For more about Andrew, please read his bio (Andrew Landers 2018 bio) and/or visit his website (

Other featured speakers will include UGA’s own Phil Brannen and Cain Hickey, fruit pathology and viticulture extension specialists, respectively.  Wayne Mitchem, vineyard weed management specialist with NC State / UGA / Clemson, will also give a presentation.


Pre-registration is $75. Each registrant gets: (1) full day conference, (2) catered lunch, (3) Effective Vineyard Spraying: A Practical Guide for Growers (book authored by Andrew Landers, a retail value of $60).

To view full schedule and register, please go here:

On-site registration will be $85.


Thanks to our sponsors of this event (sponsors will give brief presentations and have booths with literature / products):


For more information, please contact Clark MacAllister (, Nathan Eason (, John Scaduto (, Paula Burke (, or Cain Hickey (