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Here is some great information that was just shared with me by Lenny Wells, our UGA Pecan Specialist. He has been doing some irrigation research on young pecan trees in their first year of planting. Here’s his article below: Young pecan trees require two key ingredients for establishment; 1) water and 2) elimination of weed…
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Its never too early to think about controlling morningglory. In the picture above and below, you can see pitted morningglory coming up in soybeans that were just planted. These will need to be controlled early on so they don’t take over the soybeans. They can become a big problem later in the season. In Roundup…
Many acres of peanuts have recently been planted in our area during the past several weeks. Peanuts can be somewhat drought tolerant, but good irrigation management can result in substantial yield increases. Below is a peanut irrigation schedule from the University of Georgia. The 1.5 inches per week irrigation schedule is recommended for when available water…
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One troublesome weed in peanuts that we see a lot of in Tattnall County is Sicklepod, but most people know it as “Coffeeweed”. I took this photo of one that just sprouted and came up in some peanuts. Many growers have trouble controlling it later in the season when it gets big. The key to…
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The weather has recently dried up a little bit and I have seen many irrigation pivots in corn fields running during the past several days . It is very important to avoid water stress in corn because it will reduce yield potential. Below is some information taken from the 2015 UGA Corn Production Guide about irrigation management of…
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In the last 2 weeks, there have been a lot of peanuts planted in our area. Many have cracked the ground like the one in the picture above. Some growers will be preparing for “burndown” sprays soon to help control early season weeds and put out more residual herbicide. One common “burndown” spray for peanuts…
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We often get calls about tank mixing certain herbicides and their compatibility with different products. I have heard of issues mixing paraquat (brand name Gramoxone) with certain herbicides, such as Reflex. I talked to Dr. Eric Prostko, Extension Weed Scientist, about the possibility of mixing issues with paraquat and he gave me some information on ways to…
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