Urban Agriculture
When you think of a thriving garden, you probably visualize a modest plot of land with rich soil, plants laden with juicy tomatoes and peppers, and bees busily buzzing to and from flowers scattered around. Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from urban living, it’s that sometimes that modest plot of land can be…
by Sabine Savoie, Fulton County Master Gardener Extension Volunteer This article is part of Garden Buzz, a series from Appen Media and the North Fulton Master Gardeners, where rotating columnists explore horticulture topics like herbs, insects, and wildlife conservation. Find all Garden Buzz articles here. Yucky! Slimy! Gross! These are the adjectives used to describe the…
Posted in: Community Gardening, Container Gardening, Master Gardener, Organic, Soil, Urban Agriculture -
I was out at Emory University’s Oxford College Organic Farm this morning putting out insect traps in the zucchini patch for an upcoming field day. When you’re stringing up sticky traps in the canopy of big zucchini leaves and digging holes for pitfall traps, you are really up close and personal with the plants…and everything else…
As we start planning for our spring landscaping projects, the first thing we want to do is make sure that we have the proper tools in our woodsheds and toolboxes. As the environment around us starts greening up, we may notice branches that need to be removed and plants that need to be trimmed. Depending…
Written by Anila Nair, Fulton County Master Gardener It’s that wonderful time of the year when Mother Nature is at her very best, her coffers full of nature’s bounty, ripe for the picking by man and beast alike. Among nature’s cornucopia, if there’s anything that stands out, it has to be nature’s edible rubies, those…
The cold weather has left many of us stuck inside and given us a chance to catch up on movies or relax by the fire. However, as we battle cabin fever, another critter is trying desperately to seek shelter for herself and her 500 closest friends: the Asian lady beetle. The Asian lady beetle (Harmonia…
We would like to thank Fulton County MGEV Della Spearman for this article on Argentine Ants. Introduction During the summer months, it seems small brown ants (Argentine ants) want to invade cracks and take over other areas of our homes but they can be controlled. Be aware, they do not sting like fire ants,…
As you make your new year’s resolutions, keep the environment in mind. If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry! Read on for inspiration so that you can kick off 2020 as a more sustainable citizen. The 3 R’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle play a huge role in saving our environment. Reduce is listed first…
For me, there are three essential components to a Georgia summer: peach ice cream, cicadas singing in the pine trees, and of course, muscadines. It’s hard to imagine being outdoors in the heat and not seeing at least one wild vine or some muscadine jelly at a local farmers market. The vines that bear these…