The application period for our 2024 training class has closed! Our next Master Gardener Extension Volunteer training will be held in Spring 2026. Please check back in September 2025 to submit an application!
Do you enjoy sharing plants and gardening with others? Helping neighbors solve problems with their lawn or their shrubs? Being a resource to community gardeners who are growing fresh fruits and vegetables? We’d love for you to join our team of enthusiastic Master Gardener Extension Volunteers as we share plants and gardening within our community.
Fulton County’s Master Gardener Extension Volunteer program is first and foremost a volunteer program. There is a significant training component to equip volunteers with the knowledge and skills to share comprehensive, evidence-based horticultural information to our county’s residents.
After trainees complete 50 hours of classroom training, they have until the end of the calendar year to complete 50 hours of volunteer service on Extension-approved projects. Upon graduation, trainees are officially considered MGEVs. Each year thereafter, MGEVs are required to complete 25 hours of volunteer service on Extension projects as well as 10 hours of continuing education, which are tracked in an online portal. The cost of the training is approximately $220.
Application Selection: December 1, 2023
If selected: Program fee is $220 due by December 15, 2023
Mandatory Orientation: January 12, 2024
Class Schedule: Thursdays, January 25, 2024- April 25, 2024
9:00am – 3:00pm
Location TBD
For more information on what projects our volunteers are doing, check out their webpages!