The State Climate Office of North Carolina has produced a short summary of the rainfall in the heavy rain event this past weekend. You can access it at https://climate.ncsu.edu/climateblog?id=156&h=5666e5c1.
Posted in: Climate and Ag in the news -
I wanted to take a moment today to recognize the incredible work by the National Weather Service in warning about the tremendous flooding that affected South Carolina this week. These dedicated public servants work 24/7 to provide timely and useful weather and river forecasts for all of us every day, and often go out of…
Southeast Farm Press reported this week that almost all grain sorghum fields in North Carolina have begun to sprout due to wet conditions following a dry spell. According to the article, “Preharvest sprouting of grain sorghum occurs when there is a period of prolonged rainfall, high humidity, high temperature and alternate periods of wetting and…
As you can imagine, there are many articles about the South Carolina flood event. The rainfall is now winding down but the flood impacts will occur for a week or more as all of the water moves down the streams through the system. And of course the wet soils will remain for a lot longer.…
Here is the latest 7-day rainfall total derived from radar for the Southeast, counting rain received through this morning. Note how much of South Carolina has been covered by 20 or more inches of rain in the last week, and in fact most of that in the last three days. And today we are still…
Posted in: Climate and Ag in the news -
Deke Arndt of the National Centers for Environmental Information posted another great entry this week on how El Niño varies from year to year in the “Beyond the Data” blog. You can read it at https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/beyond-data/not-what-i-ordered-how-el-ni%c3%b1o-bad-bartender.
If you’ve been following the news this weekend you can’t help but see many stories about the massive and unprecedented flooding which is occurring in South Carolina and surrounding areas right now. Some areas in South Carolina have reported over 24 inches of rain in a single day! And the rain is still falling over…
Posted in: Climate and Ag in the news