Rome Ethredge of Seminole Crop E News provided some good advice for peanut farmers looking to dig peanuts when temperatures are near 32 °F. If it is too close to freezing you can get significant damage to peanuts resting on the ground if they have too much moisture. You can read his blog post at https://seminolecropnews.wordpress.com/2015/10/23/cold-weather-and-peanuts/.
According to a recent news story in CBS News, a new study published in Environmental Research Letters projects that the onset of spring plant growth will shift up by an average of three weeks by the year 2100 due to climate change trends. The trend to warmer temperatures are expected to shift the dates of first…
There are many sources of climate data online. I’ve discussed a number of them before, and you can find them by searching this blog for the category “Sources of weather and climate data.” Here are a few more tools that you can use to look at trends in climate and some other related information over…
The online course on animal agriculture and climate change that was produced by one of our supporting grants is now available for free as a self-study course at the link below: https://www.extension.org/pages/73079/climate-change-and-animal-agriculture-self-study-topics#.VikF7NKrS71 You can learn more about the course at https://animalagclimatechange.org/free-online-course/. Each module can be taken individually. The list of topics covered is below. WEATHER…
With the landfall of record-setting Hurricane Patricia on the coast of Mexico, news agencies have been abuzz with stories about the storm and its aftermath. Fortunately, the storm came ashore on a relatively sparsely populated part of the coast away from major tourist cities, and since it was small in diameter most of the populated…
After a dry weekend, rain is expected to return to the Southeast by Monday evening and showers could last for several days. The rain may be augmented by moisture from Hurricane Patricia, which made landfall on the southwest coast of Mexico last night and is sending plumes of water towards Texas. From there it will…
Posted in: Climate outlooks -
Here in the Southeast we often think about the impacts of El Niño as being something that primarily affects us. However, El Niño is actually a global phenomenon that impacts crops around the world. Bloomberg BusinessWeek has a good write-up of the some of the impacts on agricultural commodities like coffee and cocoa beans that…