Tools for climate and agriculture
If you are ever asked about your area’s climate risk due to changes in climate for later in this century, particularly around the 2040’s, you will find this new paper published by Springer in Natural Hazards to be very useful (it’s open access so you don’t have to pay to read it). The paper discusses…
Are you interested in seeing how climate is changing across the US over time? This came up for discussion on a listserve that I follow today. Here is a good description of an NCEI product that produces maps of trends over time for the lower 48 states: You can also go directly to the…
The Resilient Rural America Project is a program that is designed to help rural Americans become more resilient to extreme weather as well as changing climate conditions. You can read more about it at One of their major outputs so far has been an online module that rural communities can use to help assess…
The USDA Southeast Climate Hub has recently expanded their list of guides for hurricane preparation and recovery. There are guides available for each state but there are also guides available for many different commodities and agricultural products in the region. The guides include livestock, forests, forage, and even beekeeping in addition to several specialty and…
Historically, people have figured out the flood risk for their property using FEMA flood plain maps, which can be cumbersome to use. Here is a new free and simple tool which provides a quick evaluation of the flood risk on your property on a 1-10 scale, taking into account both historical floods and future climate…
Today’s Drought Monitor shows that all of the lingering drought has been removed from the Southeast, although there are still a few small areas where residual abnormally dry conditions still exist. But large parts of the western US are in bad drought conditions. Where can you go to get more drought information? The National Integrated…
As of yesterday, we have already had ten named storms in the Atlantic, and the latest seasonal forecast says we can expect another 10-12 more named storms. Even if only a couple of them hit near Georgia, they could be devastating. So now is a great time to take advantage of the temporary lull in…