Climate and Ag in the news
I am happy to hear that Congress has gotten its act together and voted for a continuing resolution to keep the government going for a few more months that also includes relief for our farmers, who were hit so hard by tropical weather and other disasters this year. It is also a relief for many…
Posted in: Climate and Ag in the news -
Raspberries don’t grow well in the Southeast because it is too warm for them to do well except in cooler areas at higher elevations, according to this recent article in Growing Produce. Fruit farmers are now experimenting with long-cane raspberries grown in tall tunnels and have grown them successfully event in the hot summer. The…
Did you know that onions have been used in the past to predict the next year’s weather? Neither did I. Gastro Obscura has a very interesting article this week describing how twelve layers from a freshly-cut onion were salted and left overnight to see how they reacted to predict what the climate would be for…
Satellites have given us the ability to look for patterns over large parts of the globe. Google Earth, which provides these images along with mapping capabilities, has given us the chance to look for patterns like straight lines in the local terrain. In the past, Landsat photos have been used to identify tornado tracks in…
In the Southeast, El Nino and La Nina affect our local climate, which can influence the yield and condition of crops in our region. But El Nino and La Nina also affect climate in other parts of the world, and using knowledge of what state the El Nino Southern Oscillation is in can be used…
Much of the Southeast was dry this summer except for areas that got hit by either Debby or Helene or both. This article from Southeast Farm Press describes the difference that even 4 inches of irrigation made this year on yields of corn and soybeans in NE Alabama, which got missed by most of the…
December 1st marks the beginning of winter according to climatologists and meteorologists. It was originally done by whole months because it was easier to do the statistical calculations by hand if entire months were used rather than the changing dates of the astronomical seasons, but it turns out that climatological seasons match better with the…