Recent Posts
The 2016 Row Crop Comparison Tool (CCT) and Enterprise Budgets have been posted online. Please click here if you would like to be taken to the site where you can utilize these resources. As you are well aware, commodity prices are down across the board. Margins will be very tight and good yields will be of…
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Cotton Production Meeting Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Bulloch County Center for Agriculture 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm There will be a Cotton Production Meeting at the Bulloch County Center for Agriculture on Wednesday, January 20, 2016. Dr. Philip Roberts and Dr. Jared Whitaker will be the guest speakers. This meeting will cover topics related…
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Cotton Production Meeting Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Bulloch County Center for Agriculture 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm There will be a Cotton Production Meeting at the Bulloch County Center for Agriculture on Wednesday, January 20, 2016. Dr. Philip Roberts and Dr. Jared Whitaker will be the guest speakers. This meeting will cover topics related…
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I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as we near the end of 2015. Listed below are meeting dates that have already been scheduled for 2016. Please be sure to put these dates on your calendar, because they will be here before you know it. All of the meetings listed below will be…
Bulloch County currently has three processors participating in the Hunters for the Hungry Program. Please look at previous post for information about this program. As we get closer to the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday please encourage hunters to participate in the Hunters for the Hungry Program. The three participating processors in Bulloch County are listed…
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The two links below contain information related to the Hunters for the Hungry Program. This information has already been mailed to producers and agribusinesses in Bulloch County. Hopefully, you have already heard about this program. If not, please take a minute to look in the links below and offer your support to this program. Hunters for…
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The weather did not cooperate very well last week when we looked at the Cotton Defoliation Trial and still looks like it is questionable this week. If you get a chance, please stop by the Cotton Defoliation Trial at Lee and Charley Cromley’s and take a look at the results. The treatments were applied on September 14.…
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Cotton Defoliation Meeting Thursday, September 24, 2015 Cromley Farms 10:00 am Field Location: Intersection of South Wynn Rd. & Rushing Rd. (GPS Coordinates: N 32.385877° E -81.709069°) There will be a Cotton Defoliation Meeting on Thursday, September 24, 2015 in one of Lee and Charley Cromley’s cotton fields which is located at…
Cotton Defoliation Meeting Thursday, September 24, 2015 Cromley Farms 10:00 am Field Location: Intersection of South Wynn Rd. & Rushing Rd. (GPS Coordinates: N 32.385877° E -81.709069°) There will be a Cotton Defoliation Meeting on Thursday, September 24, 2015 in one of Lee and Charley Cromley’s cotton fields which is located at…
Soybean rust has been confirmed on soybeans in Colquitt County (9/09) and Burke County (9/11). Consider spraying a fungicide on your soybeans if: They have reached R2/R3 growth stage and not yet reached R6 growth stage. Have good growth and reasonable yield expectations. This is especially critical if soybeans exhibit good growth and…
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