March 2016
Regional Soybean Production Meeting Tuesday, March 29, 2016 Cloverleaf Restaurant (located in East Dublin) 509 Central Drive, East Dublin, GA 31027 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm There is going to be a few regional soybean meetings held throughout the state and the closest one to us will be held in Dublin, GA. Dr. Glen Harris, UGA Extension Fertility…
The Clayton Anderson Farms and Cromley Farms Cotton Nematode Trial results are included in the tables below. We generally see a decline in RKN populations where we plant RKN resistant varieties; thereby, providing lasting benefits for future cotton crops. The Cromley Farms Trial had low RKN counts and minimal root gall damage. The Clayton Anderson Farms Trial had moderate/high RKN counts…
The yield results and lint quality data from the 2015 Bulloch County On-Farm Irrigated Cotton Variety Trial at Cromley Farms is listed in chart below. I am also providing the yield average from all 19 On-Farm Cotton Variety Trials that were done throughout the state last year. Please keep in mind that consistency across multiple locations is more…
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