Row Crop Weed Meeting Tuesday, January 29, 2019 Bulloch County Center for Agriculture 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm There will be a Row Crop Weed Meeting at the Bulloch County Center for Agriculture on Tuesday, January 29, 2019. UGA Extension Weed Specialists, Dr. Stanley Culpepper and Dr. Eric Prostko, will be the guest speakers. This…
The 2016 Bulloch County Extension research results can be viewed on the UGA Extension – Bulloch County website under Bulloch County Research Trials by clicking here. Thanks to all the farm cooperators and companies that supplied product and/or support for all the research trials. This effort would not be possible without the continued support and cooperation of all.…
The Clayton Anderson Farms and Cromley Farms Cotton Nematode Trial results are included in the tables below. We generally see a decline in RKN populations where we plant RKN resistant varieties; thereby, providing lasting benefits for future cotton crops. The Cromley Farms Trial had low RKN counts and minimal root gall damage. The Clayton Anderson Farms Trial had moderate/high RKN counts…