August 2020
With the hot and mostly dry weather throughout much of the season and now wet and humid conditions, it is becoming evident that the weather has been ideal for disease. PEANUT: White mold is becoming more and more noticeable in many peanut fields in the county – the hot temperatures, high humidity and scattered rains…
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Silverleaf whiteflies (SLWF) have been in some cotton fields in our area for the past few weeks in low numbers. Hopefully rain showers will continue to get to everyone and beat the adults down. However, I am noticing an uptick in some fields. There are a couple of handouts that I hope you will find useful…
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The Annual Midville Field Day will be virtual this year and available to view on August 12, 2020. Participants need to be registered before the event begins to receive pesticide and CCA credit. Please click HERE to register for the event, especially if you want to receive credit hours.
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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic I was unable to have the Annual Bulloch County Peanut Shade Tree Meeting face to face this year. This is the the first time this meeting has not been face to face within the last 15 years. Hopefully, we will be able to have it in person in 2021. Dr.…
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