April 2017
Please see below information in regard to Forage Production Meeting being held on May 4, 2017, at the Bulloch County Center for Agriculture. Please email uge3031@uga.edu or call the Extension Office at 871-6130 by Tuesday May 2, so accurate preparations can be made for the meal.
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I know many of you currently use the Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network for local weather information. This is an excellent place to check soil temperature. It is recommended that the average daily soil temperature remain above 68° F at the 4-inch depth for 3 consecutive days and without cold temperatures in the forecast for the next…
Please refer to previous post on April 4, 2017 about changes that will be taking effect to the Georgia Private Pesticide Applicator License on May 1, 2017. If your license has expired or you do not currently have one, please complete the online course and print out your Certificate of Completion by this Sunday, April 30. The current online…
Please view flyer below for the upcoming Enlist Spray Tip Demo Days. The Demo in Bulloch County will be held at Ricky Nevil’s Farm on Tuesday, April 11 at 2:30 pm. Please pay special attention to address on flyer, because Demo will be held in a field that he tends and not at his headquarters. Please RSVP via email to Whitney…
There are significant changes that will become effective on May 1, 2017 to the Georgia Private Pesticide Applicator license. Please look over the current rules and upcoming changes below: Current Private Applicator On-line Video Training – The current on-line private applicator training, available at gaprocerts.com consists of watching eleven video presentations about various pesticide safety topics, completing three quizzes…