May 2015
Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist, provides the following peanut fungicide options with the short supply of Bravo/cholothalonil: What to do?? A. Replace 1.5 pt/A chlorothalonil with 15 fl oz/A Elast. B. Replace 1.5 pt/A chlorothalonil with 10 fl oz/A Topsin/thiophanate methyl, but ONLY one time! C. Replace 1.5 pt/A chlorothanil with 7.0…
Everyone is aware of the problems that thrips cause on seedling peanuts, but the tobacco budworm has also become a problem over recent years. Dr. Mark Abney, UGA Extension Peanut Entomologist, provides the timely information below about both these insects to be on the lookout for in seedling peanuts. The two most important insects…