Manure Demo Field Day
Georgia Department of Agriculture and the University of Georgia are co-hosting a Manure Demo Field Day! During this field day, there will be a Live-Action Manure Spill Emergency Response Demonstration shown by Mr. Kevin Erb, University of Wisconsin Extension – Conservation Professional Training Coordinator, several agitation boat demos and application methods of manure to showcase the movement of manure across different tillage practices.
Event Info:
- Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
- Time: Starting promptly at 1pm
- Location: UGA Coastal Plain Experiment Station Dairy Research Center
- 795 Animal Science Drive
Tifton, Georgia 31793
(Signs will be posted for on-site directions)
- click on link Manure Demo Field Day Flyer 2015
- 795 Animal Science Drive
We would like to invite all CAFO Producers/Operators, NMP Planners, Custom Manure Applicators, Emergency Response Personnel and Government Agency Personnel.
An event like this has never taken place in Georgia and we hope that you will make plans to join us!
Continuing Education Credit: CE Hours will be provided to certified operators and planners. Make sure to sign in with Courtney Canterbury, Georgia Department of Agriculture CAFO Coordinator AFTER the event.
RSVP: Please make sure to RSVP to Courtney Canterbury by phone at (706) 831 – 8739 or by email at
Kevin Erb, University of Wisconsin – Extension Conservation
Professional Training Coordinator.
Mr. Erb is the Conservation Professional Development and Training Coordinator for the University of Wisconsin – Extension. Kevin holds an MS in Environmental Science and Policy (2000) form the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay and has twenty-two years of experience working with farmers and rural landowners on nutrient management and environmental issues. He is the lead adviser to the board of the Professional Nutrient Applicators Association of Wisconsin (PNAAW), and assists applicators and Extension educators on commercial applicator education in 5 states, including coordinating cooperation between researchers and industry on projects examining the impact of manure equipment on rural roads and bridges. Kevin initiated the nation’s first manure spill response demonstration using actual manure, and more than
2,000 farmers and applicators have taken part in these live action demonstrations since 2002.