Georgia Department of Agriculture Announces A Final UPW Meeting for 2019! (Culpepper, UGA and Gray, GDA). A final Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) meeting will be conducted at the Tifton Campus Conference Center onMay 21, 2019 beginning at 1:30 pm. Similar to previous meetings and immediately after the UPW meeting, Extension agents and GDA will also offer…
Crop Progress and Assessing Plant Stands for Replanting (Freeman) As of April 29th, approximately 12 percent of Georgia’s cotton crop has been planted according to the USDA NASS crop progress report. This is significantly ahead of our previous five year’s average of 7 percent. Although wet through most of the winter and spring, conditions in…
Seedling Diseases and Management in Cotton Posted on May 3, 2019 by Jared Whitaker I’ve had a few questions this week about cotton seedling diseases and thought it worthwhile to share a section of the 2019 Georgia Cotton Production Guide from Dr. Bob Kemerait. The section on seedling diseases and management can be found on pages 107-109 of the…
Tips on Managing Seedling Disease In Cotton – Jeremy Kichler Colquitt County Ag Below are a few points to consider from the UGA Cotton Production Guide. Good management practices to reduce the chance of seedling disease include the following: • Plant in warm soils where the temperature at a 4-inch depth is above 65° F…
Thoughts on cotton weed control… Jeremy Kichler Colquitt County Agent BURNDOWN: Palmer amaranth must not be emerged when planting, regardless of cotton cultivar planted. Standard programs using Valor (before Palmer emergence), Direx, and Gramoxone + Direx are advised. Dicamba or 2,4-D would be beneficial for primrose, horseweed, and radish (2,4-D is much more effective on…
Pivot Testing: The Mobile Irrigation Lab (MIL) Cade Cloud This is a free service that is offered by the University of Georgia in which our water educators will come and conduct a pivot uniformity test on a farmer’s irrigation system. Uniformity is also extremely important for growers that fertigate or chemigate. This test is very…
If you have not attended a UPW training and plan to use Dicamba on Cotton then you need to attend one of these trainings. The last chance to get certified for 2019 season will be April 11th and 18th. Using Pesticide Wisely Training (UPW) and Private Pest. License Certification – No prior trainings count toward…
Cotton & Peanut Winter Weed Burndown Thanks to Worth County Ag Agent Bryce Southerland who wrote information on burndown leading to cotton on his blog at Worth County Ag News. It is the time of the year where growers are getting ready to prepare cotton land by burning down winter weeds in wheat/rye/oats cover crop. Cover…
Outlook for spring and summer 2019 in Georgia Mar 13, 2019 | Written by Pam Knox It’s been a while since I posted a climate outlook for Georgia, but I’ve gotten a few requests so here you go. Summary: Temperatures for the next two weeks are expected to be cooler than normal. Temperatures for the rest of spring,…
Cotton Payments, Disaster Assistance, and Safety Net Update By Yanxuan Liu on Mar 11, 2019 09:30 pm By Don Shurley and Yangxuan Liu Download the PDF version of the factsheet MFP (Market Facilitation Program) Payments USDA announced last July that it would act to assist farmers damaged by tariffs and reduced exports. In September, the…
Posted in: Cotton