Current List of Counties where Southern Corn Rust has been reported Mitchell (Stripling Plots) Clay Jeff Davis Laurens Dooly Atkinson Coffee Baker Early I think that is our current list Our row-crop disease situation is pretty much the same as from my last e-mail. Environmental conditions continue to be favorable for development of fungal…
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Written by Simer Virk Broadcast spinner spreaders are one of the most common and widely used application equipment for lime and granular fertilizer. The importance of proper spreader calibration for accurate fertilizer applications has been emphasized many times and it is always good to see growers putting the time and effort into performing a calibration…
Using Pesticides Wisely – Georgia 2023.1. As mandated by federal labels, one must hold a private or commercial pesticide applicator license topurchase and use the restricted use herbicides Engenia, XtendiMax, and Tavium. Use is limited to ONLYthose persons holding a private or commercial applicator certification. It is no longer permissible for noncertified applicators to apply…
Posted in: Cotton
As we are nearing the finish line for the season, many are trying to decide, “When are we going to finish spraying cotton?” Great question, and the forecast has changed quite a bit since my last email and conversations with many of you. It looks like highs will remain in the 80s for the next…
Posted in: Cotton -
By Dr. Camp Hand I talked with many of the agents last Thursday and Friday, because this week the state of Georgia is expecting a potential light frost in the Southern portion of the state, and potential freezing conditions in the Northern part of the state. In terms of what to do for the rest…
Posted in: Cotton -
Picture – cotton boll rot sent by Jeremy in Colquitt County. Treatments: as far as I know and my colleagues across the cotton belt know, there is NO product, fungicide or otherwise, that can be sprayed to control boll UNLESS you are talking about an insecticide applied to manage stink bugs which damage pods…
If you would like to be added to my remind text messages Follow link Or Text @benhillex to 81010 it is free of charge Peanuts I have received a few calls on foliage feeders in peanuts. Threshold counts and proper identification are important when it comes to foliage feeders. Make sure of your threshold…
By Dr. Camp Hand First, this week it’s gonna be cool. Once we get past Wednesday, highs hardly come out of the 60s and lows are going to be in the 30s to 40s. As we all know, cotton growth and development is based on DD60s, with growth occurring mainly between temperatures of 60 to…
Posted in: Cotton