Current List of Counties where Southern Corn Rust has been reported Mitchell (Stripling Plots) Clay Jeff Davis Laurens Dooly Atkinson Coffee Baker Early I think that is our current list Our row-crop disease situation is pretty much the same as from my last e-mail. Environmental conditions continue to be favorable for development of fungal…
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Today is the first discovery of southern corn rust in Georgia, in Clinch Co. along the Florida-Georgia line. This is the find we have been hunting for, waiting for- when will southern corn rust find its way back into Georgia? 21 June 2023 is about two weeks later than we typically find it. Pam Knox…
Posted in: Corn -
To date, UGA Extension does not know of ANY southern rust (or soybean rust) in Georgia or in bordering areas of Alabama or Florida, though I am sure there is some somewhere. The hunt continues…. SO, WHAT DO WE TELL GROWERS- I have told you many times, “Corn Growers, especially under irrigated conditions and those…
Posted in: Corn -
Field Corn Weed Control Pictures – 2023 (Prostko) 1) Thought you might be interested in seeing the following pictures from my field corn weed control plots taken over the last week. For more specific information about these herbicides, check out the 2023 UGA Pest Control Handbook (pages 64-88). FYI, this is what I am doing…
Written by Simer Virk Broadcast spinner spreaders are one of the most common and widely used application equipment for lime and granular fertilizer. The importance of proper spreader calibration for accurate fertilizer applications has been emphasized many times and it is always good to see growers putting the time and effort into performing a calibration…
Updated Counter/Herbicide Interactions in Field Corn (Prostko) In a previous blog (March 9, 2022), I discussed the negative interaction that can occur when Counter (terbufos) or other OP insecticides are used in-furrow and followed by applications of certain herbicides in field corn. Here is the newest information about the use of Counter and herbicides in…
Late-Season Weed Woes (Prostko) A few things to consider based upon my texts/e-mails/telephone calls over the last few days or so: 1) Field corn growers should be reminded that post-harvest (if it ever stops raining in some locations) is a great time of the year to get a handle on Benghal dayflower/tropical spiderwort. Herbicides of…
Some responses to a few common questions this week about preplant burndowns: 1) What is the plant-back restriction for field corn following an application of 2,4-D? Plant-back restrictions for field corn after a burndown application of 2,4-D are 7 days (16 oz/A) or 10-14 days (>16 oz/A) 2) If a grower cannot wait to plant…
Below is a link the PDS showing results from this years State wide corn variety test data
Posted in: Corn -
Young cotton seedlings wilting and dying soon after emergence with a tell-tale lesion girdling the stem just below the soil line are classic for Rhizoctonia soreshin. While there may be other causes for seedling death, the lesion just below the soil line and, sometimes, barely visible fungal “threads” in association with the lesion are strong…
Strongarm Carryover from Peanuts to Field Corn (Prostko) The 2021 field corn production season has not been great. Cold, cloudy, wet weather has many farmers scratching their heads about the way some of their fields look. There are many possible causes of these problems (i.e. fertility, disease, insects, nematodes, weather, herbicide carryover, etc.). My colleagues…