Dayflower Control in Peanut (Prostko) Here are some quick pics from data collected earlier today about spreading (?) dayflower control in peanuts from our strip-plots in Berrien County (Thanks Gentle Ben and Nick Shay!). Generally, these are the same herbicide treatments that I typically recommend for tropical spiderwort/Benghal dayflower control as well. Note that Cadre…
Posted in: Weeds -
Published on 01/17/23 Treat now for “stickers” in your lawn By Alicia Holloway Walking barefoot through soft grass is one of life’s greatest joys — the warmth of the ground, the tickling of the blades of grass on your feet, toes wriggling free from the confinement of shoes — it is just spectacular. In the summer.…
Late-Season Weed Woes (Prostko) A few things to consider based upon my texts/e-mails/telephone calls over the last few days or so: 1) Field corn growers should be reminded that post-harvest (if it ever stops raining in some locations) is a great time of the year to get a handle on Benghal dayflower/tropical spiderwort. Herbicides of…
What are my thoughts about controlling large pigweed in peanuts with Cobra or Ultra Blazer? 1) I do not have a preference between Cobra or Ultra Blazer if the pigweed plants are 2″-4″ tall. 2) I do prefer Cobra over Ultra Blazer when plants get bigger than that. But, I would not expect any miracles…
Posted in: Weeds -
Pigweed At Burndown? (Prostko) I received this picture from a grower yesterday who was about to burndown with some Roundup (before looking in the field). This field was treated with a Roundup + 2,4-D combo several weeks ago (but no residual). Two main takeaways here: 1) always a great idea to include a residual herbicide…
Posted in: Weeds -
Some responses to a few common questions this week about preplant burndowns: 1) What is the plant-back restriction for field corn following an application of 2,4-D? Plant-back restrictions for field corn after a burndown application of 2,4-D are 7 days (16 oz/A) or 10-14 days (>16 oz/A) 2) If a grower cannot wait to plant…
Weed Control Update – July 16 (Prostko) A few things to consider based upon what I am seeing and hearing in the field: 1) Field corn harvest is just about to start or will start soon depending upon the county. Growers who have annual morningglory problems might want to consider a harvest-aid application of Roundup…
Peanut Weed Control Update for May 23 (Prostko) A few things to think about in regards to peanut weed control given the current weather conditions: 1) Rainfall events on Mother’s Day Weekend (May 9-13) caused some Valor related peanut problems in many areas of south Georgia (Figure 1). Since I have addressed this issue numerous…
Thoughts on cotton weed control… Jeremy Kichler Colquitt County Agent BURNDOWN: Palmer amaranth must not be emerged when planting, regardless of cotton cultivar planted. Standard programs using Valor (before Palmer emergence), Direx, and Gramoxone + Direx are advised. Dicamba or 2,4-D would be beneficial for primrose, horseweed, and radish (2,4-D is much more effective on…