Pigweed At Burndown? (Prostko)
I received this picture from a grower yesterday who was about to burndown with some Roundup (before looking in the field). This field was treated with a Roundup + 2,4-D combo several weeks ago (but no residual). Two main takeaways here: 1) always a great idea to include a residual herbicide in a preplant burndown weed control program especially when applied many weeks before planting; and 2) the very best thing a grower can put in a field is a foot. In this scenario, Roundup would not have been a great option because of resistance. The grower wisely switched to Gramoxone (and was also including Dual Magnum) since he will be planting field corn and soybean.

Posted by UGA Weed Science at Tuesday, March 29, 2022