In T-town this morning it is 77F and 94% relative humidity. All eyes are on the approaching storm, but it deserves mention that our temperatures, especially night time temperatures, are still excellent for development of white mold. This makes careful consideration of a plan for fungicide applications ahead of the storm that much more important. Threat of white mold remains high. Heavy pounding rains and cooler temperature may actually slow white mold briefly, but it will rebound. It doesn’t sleep.
Picture 1 came to me from somewhere in Alabama. “Bob, is it white mold?” Yes it is, but it seems smoldering and contained.
Pic 2 is from a retired agent. “Bob, is this leaf spot?” Negative Ghost Rider- chemical injury diagnosed by light buckskin colored centers to the spots. (What is origin of “Negative Ghost Rider”? What are the next 3 words to this quote?
Pic 3 is from a consultant- downy mildew on soybean. “Bob, what should I spray?” What did I tell him? Correct! No need to spray anything….downy mildew on soybeans won’t affect yield.
Pic 4- wonderful pic from Lucy Ray. Cotton leaf from Morgan Co covered up with Stemphylium leaf spot (ashy spots) on leaf the color of autumn because Dr Harris would tell you deficient in potassium. The spots are Stemphylium the color is potassium. Some consultants dont understand the difference.