Thrips Injury and Acephate Rates for Peanut – Worth County Extension May 24, 2019 Please read below from the UGA Peanut Entomology Blog on Thrips Injury and Acephate Rate in peanut. You can subscribe to this blog for updates here: Over the years several folks have asked why there is a difference in the recommended rate of…
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Written by mrabney August 18, 2023 Velvetbean caterpillars (VBC) have become abundant in Georgia peanut fields over the last 10 days. Growers that do not have a scout or consultant should check their fields for infestations TODAY. Over the course of the last week I have seen fields stripped to bare stems and have heard…
Posted in: Insects
August Peanut PointersMark Abney, Peanut Entomologist, UGAThe peanut insect management talk in August will most likely revolve around foliage feeding caterpillars.There are soybean loopers, velvetbean caterpillars, redneck peanut worms, a variety of armyworms,corn earworm and tobacco budworm, and a few odd ball species out in the peanut patch this week. Justthe talk of caterpillars is…
Peanut Entomology AbneyThe insects (and mites) that really matter in peanut are greatly affected by rainfall. In this year of pretty consistent rain, lesser cornstalk borer is unlikely to pose a serious threat to the Georgia peanut crop. If the rainfall continues we will also get a reprieve from two spotted spider mite. Unfortunately, we…
Thrips Management (Phillip Roberts): Thrips are consistent pests of cotton, infesting nearly all cottonacres planted in Georgia each year. Thrips are the only insect pest of cotton that a preventive insecticide isrecommended. We consistently observe a positive yield response to at-plant insecticides used for thripscontrol. A reactive approach based on scouting and use of thresholds…
Silverleaf Whitefly in Cotton Update Roberts Silverleaf whitefly (SLWF) adults have been observed in low numbers in cotton in some areas during the past week to ten days. To date very few immature whiteflies have been observed in cotton. We are not aware of any field which has exceeded threshold for SLWF. Most reports include…
Help with Horn Flies… Jason Duggin, Southeast Update, May 2019 (Progressive Cattlemen) The approach to ward off flies is multi-prong and challenging. However, doing nothing can severely hinder productivity, profits, and herd welfare. I’ve asked Dr. Nancy Hinkle, Extension Veterinary Entomologist at UGA, to give her tips on horn fly control for the Southeast.…
UGA Scout Schools – Cotton, Peanuts, Soybeans Those interested in scouting these row crops should make plans to attend one of the UGA Scout Schools. Insect scouting schools will be conducted on June 10, 2019 in Tifton and June 18, 2019 in Midville. Crops to be covered include cotton, peanuts, and soybean. These programs offer basic information on…
Crop Progress and Assessing Plant Stands for Replanting (Freeman) As of April 29th, approximately 12 percent of Georgia’s cotton crop has been planted according to the USDA NASS crop progress report. This is significantly ahead of our previous five year’s average of 7 percent. Although wet through most of the winter and spring, conditions in…