In this Issue – Cotton Defoliation, Small Grains, Asian Longhorned Tick (new pest)
Cotton Defoliation Considerations
Dr. Camp Hand, our UGA Cotton Agronomist, has updated us on some current considerations for defoliation.
With temperatures mostly ranging from the 70’s to the low 50’s, growers that are using a standard 3-way mixture may need to adjust rates of the products. Although the standard three way mixture can still be used, it needs to be adjusted. With the current temperatures, tribufos (ex. Folex) rates should be around 12 to 16 oz/acre. Ethephon (ex. Prep) rates should remain around 40 to 42 oz/acre. When nighttime temps are below 65, thidiazuron loses efficacy, and if you refer to the cotton production guide or pest management handbook, the recommendation is to take it out of the mix. According to Dr. Hand, TDZ rates could be increased in an attempt to regain some activity, but Ginstar (diuron + thidiazuron) may be a better option. The added diuron helps in cooler temperatures. “Rates (of Ginstar) that I would consider using with the conditions that we are looking at would be between 6 to 8 oz/acre,” says Dr. Hand. “Prep needs to be in the tank with this mix. For the most part, people are already using prep rates that are justified for cooler weather, but just as a reminder growers can use up to 42 oz/acre in a single application.”
There are many options for defoliation products and combinations that can be used. These are available in the 2021 Georgia Cotton Production Guide ( with defoliation information beginning on page 140.
Small Grains Update
Rome Ethredge, interim UGA Grain Agronomist, has shared some current information on small grains. Please see the following information on recommended varieties.

Invasive Asian Longhorned Tick – Webinar
We received this information from Dr. Nancy Hinkle, UGA Entomologist. It is for cattlemen and anyone involved in animal agriculture.
“UGA is presenting a webinar on Thursday, Oct. 28th, at 2 p.m. to update us about the invasive Asian Longhorned Tick, which was first confirmed in Georgia last month.”
Join the webinar at the following link:

If we can be of assistance to you at Worth County Extension, please let us know.