Agricultural and Natural Resources
Many of my educational programs has a focus on water education. This can be from the Water Cycle with 4th graders to general water issues to various organizational and civic clubs. Overall, the education of and about water is the same but does change. I expect you have heard that the water drop you see…
On December 12-13, seven UGA Faculty visited with the program manager of the Virginia Tech Well Water Program to discuss their program and how we can bring and develop such a program for UGA Extension. While in Blacksburg, we learned how their program is conducted and how they get citizens involved in testing well water. …
UGA Extension Agents attend and present at the National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) Southern Region Professional Improvement Meeting in Chattanooga, TN on August 3 and 4, 2017
Today August 11 or (8/11) is a good time to think about calling before you dig. Before digging for installing new flowers, shrubs, stormwater ponds, septic tanks or building a new something in the yard call 811 or 1-800-282-7411 or at least 48 hours prior to digging. Even the farming community should call…
Poultry Powers Up the Farm… The 4th in a series of portions of an overall article looking at how Agriculture is helping protect water quality.
The second ina seies of sections from teh ForesterMagazines SOIL magazine article titled Agricultural Solutions: The connection between nutrients, runoff and water quality.
The agricultural community helps protect water quality through many different ways. This is the first in a series of excerpts from an article published in SOIL Magazine from Forester Magazine.
I realize that a Solar Eclipse has very little to nothing to do with water, but I thought this was something interesting that only happens every so often. Pam Knox, Agricultural Climatologist at UGA, posted information about the 2017 Solar Eclipse and where will be the best spots to observe the past (hard to do…
The following is copy from the latest release from the National Drought Mitigation Center: Within the announcement, there are a few links that will provide additional information. These include: Crops in Drought U.S. Drought Monitor statistics Narrative of Drought U.S. Drought Monitor for May 9, 2017: For…
The following is copy from the latest release from the National Drought Mitigation Center: Within the announcement, there are a few links that will provide additional information. These include: Crops in Drought U.S. Drought Monitor statistics Narrative of Drought ** *** *** *** *** *** ***…