A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

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Lately I have been getting many calls about stickers in the lawn. More likely than not, the sticker is from burweed. Burweed is a very common winter annual that that germinates during the early Fall months then dies off in the spring. When burweed starts to die off, the seed will then become the sticker and become a big nuisance preventing you from walking barefoot in your yard and also causing problems for your pets as well. So what can you do about this? The truth is that if the stickers are in your yard right now, then it is already to late for the year to control this weed for this year. We control burweed when it is not necessarily a problem yet.

We recommend controlling burweed in the winter months. Atrazine provides good control of burweed as well as other winter annual weeds you might want to get rid of. Spray your yard with an application of atrazine around late November to early December. Then apply a second application around late January to early February to clean up what was not controlled with the first application.

Lawn Burweed Control – UGA Ag Update

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