A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Local News for 4-H, Agriculture, and Family and Consumer Science

Every year, The University of Georgia conducts a statewide peanut variety trial. This past season Tattnall County participated in this trial, and I wanted to share our local Tattnall County results with everyone. This was a dry land field and had not had peanuts in four years.

This variety trial consisted of four different varieties; GA-06G, GA-16HO, Tuf Runner 297, and  TiftNV Hi-OL.  In regards yields there was no significant difference between varieties there was of course numerical difference. The highest yielding was GA-16 HO with 6107 lbs/acre, followed by TiftNV HI-OL with 5690, next was GA-06G with 5524, and finally Tuf Runner 297 with 5077 lbs.

Along with yield information, leaf spot and white mold were screened by Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist. Leaf spot on all varieties was minimal due in large part to the good rotation in this field. There was white mold present but no significant difference between varieties. TiftNV Hi-Ol had the least with 8.3%, followed by GA-16 HO with 12%, Tuf Runner 297, with 16%, and finally GA-06G with 18%.


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