Tattnall County Extension would like to announce that it will be hosting an Area Pond Management Meeting on March 14th at 6:00 PM at the University of Georgia Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center. UGA Aquaculture Specialist, Gary Burtle, will be giving a presentation on several pond management topics including: pond stocking-ratios, grass carp, pond liming, fish kills, and pond weed control. A light supper will be provided at the meeting. Cost of attending the meeting will be $10 per person. The address of the Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center is 8163 Highway 178, Lyons, GA 30436. To get to the research center from Reidsville you will need to take highway 147 towards the prison, then then continue on highway 147 for several miles past the prison, after which you will see a white University of Georgia sign on the right. The facility is about 10 miles from Reidsville. Please let us know if you will be attending by calling 912-557-6724 to RSVP so that we can get make sure to provide adequate food. We hope to see you there!