Tattnall County Extension, in collaboration with the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center and Georgia Southern University are offering an upcoming course called: Ag Business Planning Workshop: A Guide for Farm Entrepreneurs. This will be a 2 session workshop held on February 11th and 18th at the Glennville Extension Office. This course is designed for anyone interested in starting any ag related business and folks who already have an existing operation. Topics covered in the workshop include market feasibility, financial feasibility, crop enterprise budgets, business legal structure, funding options, and compliance issues. An ag lender will be speaking to the group, as well as a local farmer and agri-business operator to give the group firsthand knowledge of real world expectations in the ag market. Participants will take home a better understanding of business concepts that they can apply to any agricultural operation.
The cost of the workshop is $25, and pre-registration is required. You can register online at www.savannahsbdc.org or you can register at the Tattnall County Extension office in Reidsville or Glennville. If you have questions, you can call Chris Tyson at 912-551-2204.